Month: February 2017

Finished First Drafts – TWO Books!

First, I want to start this post by saying thank you to those who have been supportive. It is crazy hard to put your work out there in the world for all to see and all to judge. For those of you are going along on this ride with me, thank you for believing in me and believing in Illaria.

On to book 2 – I wrote the second book in the Illaria series in the four months following the completion of the first book. I even got to finish during NaNoWriMo (I know, I cheated a bit and continued work on a work in progress instead of starting something new…but I guess I’m a bit of a rebel that way).

After finishing that beast of a book (105,000 words!) I started to work on a short story for in between the books for fun. The story was written from Max’s perspective and was supposed to be a short story. It grew. Sadly, the Max portion has now been cut, but what came from that story evolved into a new book 2, making the original book 2 into book 3. Still with me?

When I stopped typing at the coffee shop I was writing in on Thursday night and realized I was finished, I was wrapping up book 2 with book 3 already written. Both books are shorter now, some of the original book 2 found its way into the new book 2. And they are both ready for editing! I’ve got a deadline with my editor for this week – yikes! My cover artist is also scheduled for this week to start working on the cover! Can you believe it?

If all goes according to schedule, and I can limit my sleep, I’m hoping to be able to share book 2 with all of you by the end of March. Stay tuned for updates on pre-orders and all that fun stuff.

Tales of Illaria: Max and Saffron

It’s here! The first prequel novella in the Illaria series is finished and available for download. It will be free from February 14th – 21st. It’s my Valentine to all of you!  Want to learn more about how Max and Saffron met? This is the beginning of their story. I hope you have as much fun reading it as I did writing it.

Follow this link to get your free copy today!